Sing In Our Lobby!
Would you and your group like to entertain guests in our beautiful lobby prior to one of our 2011 Christmas Shows? We’re extending an opportunity to church choirs, school choral groups, hand bell choirs, neighborhood singers, barbershop quartets, and all other singing groups to perform Christmas carols prior to a show in November and December. Groups of any age and size are welcome to participate.
To take part, groups should have well rehearsed carols lasting a total performance time of 30 minutes. Space will be provided in the lobby for your group, and you would have the opportunity to carol a cappella as guests are arriving for the show.
In addition, if you have a group of ten or more and would like to stay and enjoy The 2011 Christmas Show, we have TWO special pricing packages available for your group:
Package A would include:
* Performance — 30 minutes to carol in our lobby prior to show
* Discounted tickets to The 2011 Christmas Show for a group of ten or more
* Discounted price — $25 Adults; $15 Children/Students
Package B would include:
* Performance — 30 minutes to carol in our lobby prior to show
* Discounted tickets to The 2011 Christmas Show for a group of ten or more
* Snack Pack Included — Box of popcorn and small fountain drink
* Discounted Price — $28 Adults; $18 Children/Students
For discounted tickets, your group of ten does not have to include only those performing. Please feel free to invite family and friends to enjoy this day with you as well.
If you are interested in performing in our lobby prior to a Christmas Show, please contact Meghan Young, Group Sales Coordinator, at myoung@amtshows.com or 800-648-4102 x 6200.