Brand New Show Added – Everclear & Fastball
Big Show Coming to Lancaster in 2019 | American Music Theatre
Everclear & Fastball
Friday, June 21, 2019 at 8:00pm
Tickets: $49
Members On Sale: Tuesday, March 5 at 9am
Public On Sale: Saturday, March 9 at 9am
Formed by Art Alexakis in 1991 in Portland, Oregon, Everclear has enjoyed a lengthy career spanning 11 studio releases, numerous videos, thousands of shows, and accolades that include a 1998 Grammy nomination. Last year the band celebrated the 20th anniversary of the release of their critically-acclaimed album So Much for the Afterglow, which spawned such smash hits as “I Will Buy You a New Life,” “Everything To Everyone,” and “Father of Mine.” Other iconic tunes include “Santa Monica” and “Wonderful.”
With nearly 20 years of musical explorations and milestones under its belt, Fastball remains one of the most consistent and continuously celebrated rock bands on the road these days. After rising to prominence in 1996 with the debut disc Make Your Mama Proud, the Austin, Texas based trio exploded into a household name with 1998’s breakthrough project All the Pain Money Can Buy, offering notable hits “The Way,” “Out of My Head” and “Fire Escape.”
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AMT Members can purchase tickets before the general public. Click here to find out how!